Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wekend Vibes - Mias - Itsilovemusic- New Joint Of the Day

Jhené Aiko - Triggered (freestyle)

Spinstatz is Calling all Atlanta DJ's

So many have dreams of one day realizing their full potential. Such is the case for Micah Otis, owner, and creator of Spinstatz, LLC. After years of success building and running music studios, producing music, managing careers, even signing Grammy Award Nominated artists to his label, Micah had enough mental data to create a revolutionary software designed to connect the independent artist and the DJ. When asked about his success, Otis replies, "I've always felt successful, but never comfortable being in the spotlight, it's just not my personality." However, as the creator & owner of a system that is rewriting the music industry that is where hends himself.
The Spinstatz business model is different from any other similarly presented package. There are levels of success that can be obtained once an artist has proven club statistics, and we kick this off with a regional tour in the cities where the artist has grown an organic fan base. This gives the artist access to make a human connection immediately, whereas in most cases artists are figments of our imagination. "This is a game changer", says Paul Wright, former President of Zomba Records.
Our network contains over 5,000 DJs from all over the world. The idea is for our music review team to agree on the top ten best submitted independent music projects and have a month-long competition where artists can follow their placing on our charts. We send our top DJs the selected music for the month and they agree to play this music simultaneously in a special region. This is what sets us apart from any other service that is out there. It has been proven that this method will generate a growing buzz in that region and that artist becomes famous City by City.

The best thing about Spinstatz, LLC is the generation of additional income to (sometimes starving) artists & DJ's. "When I come home I am greeted each time with so much excitement: DAD! I know after the lights are out and the show is over, we are all trying to provide. It is really important to me to be a revenue-producing company, not just for myself, but for others who believe in this model." ~Micah Otis.

Friday, April 26, 2019

I’ m the King - Sweesher G - The Best Thing About This Is The Video

The Music Quality is horrible, are they serious. Lowkey love his 2nd verse. Shout to Dark Luxe productions this video production was amazing.